Number 2

The mission to make sure that somebody googling "Darren Steele" gets to me and not the gay choirboy that was bullied and ultimately hanged himself is proceeding nicely.  My ranking has risen to the dizzying heights of number 2 on the google search results but I suspect it will be a little tricky to displace the bbc in the number 1 spot.

Hope springs eternal and all that.

Be still my twitching sphincter

They’ve arrived!!! They’ve arrived!!  I very nearly, but didn’t quite, poop in my knickers [ see earlier ] with the excitement of receiving a box of 40 portions of the best noodles on the planet.  Paul Simkiss dropped by for lunch and relieved me of a bowl before walking off with four packets.  Jason Howarth has taken delivery of five packets and I’ve already had some.  So my supplies are rapidly dwindling!  It’s making me hungry just thinking about them.  I can’t think of anything better to do with a bowl, a fork and 500ml of hot water.  Get in!

Hanging on by a thread..

Myself, John and my Mum went up to the boat on Sunday.  It wasn’t a very pleasant day as you can see from my wet hair, and the wind was rubbish to begin with but we had fun nonetheless.

The picture above is me clipped into the spinnaker halyard hanging off the side of the boat.  That is what spinnaker halyards are there for right?

The wind picked up a bit later but whilst it was still relatively calm the three of us worked out how to fly the spinnaker, which is something none of us had done before.  It took quite a lot of messing around but we finally got it up even though we did kinda do it a little wrong as I now think the spinnaker bag should have gone up the mast.  Tis but a technicality that I have to discuss with Keith.  Below is a happy me with the spinnaker full of wind.  It’s a real pity that we couldn’t have got a picture from the shore as it would have looked very impressive.

After working out how to fly the spinnaker we decided to do another downwind run which meant we only got off the water at about 5.30 or 6pm.  It was quite a long day, so much so that Mummy Steele had to have a snooze on Monday whilst Amelia was in bed.  The famous Steele siesta.