America 2024

We had a week back in the UK after our trip and then we [ minus Amelia who stayed home to have some alone time, and look after the dog ] headed for the West Coast of the US of A.

We flew via Dublin and thought it would be wiser to have a pint of Guinness rather than crossing into US territory immediately. This was a huge mistake! After our pint of Guinness we headed for US security to see an enormous queue, followed by a second huge queue followed up by a third ridiculously long queue. We had to do a VISA check, followed by security and then passport control. By the time we got through all three phases of checks our flight was showing as being closed. Absolutely convinced we’d missed our flight we ran through the terminal to the very final gate and found people still queuing to get on. We’d made it. Just.

We flew into SeaTac and Jason came to pick us up.

We went out on Kerry’s boat on the Puget Sound. Emma and Nicole had a drink ir two in the sunshine,

Jason and Kerry’s boat…with a can of Stella

The gang with Kerry

A few days after the outing on Kerry’s boat we found ourselves on Clear Lake, WA at the Stoner’s lakeside cabin. We’re beginning to think all American’s have a boat, except Jason – but that’s a whole different tale. This is where Oli learned to wakeboard and wakesurf or something. Jason and I learned how to drink beers and wave a flag when somebody is in the water. Emma and Nicole learned how to sit on a paddleboard with a glass of wine. It’s safe to say we all learned a lot.

In the background is Mount Raneer. A really rather large mountain!

We did lots, lots more whilst we were in the PNW but after a week of hanging out with the Coope’s it was time for us to go walkabout to California.