Oli got a new bike for his 6th birthday. A Specialized MTB, red. Loves it. Since we were planning a trip to the caravan Oli decided it would be great to take our bikes along and go for a cycle along the coast. The only minor fly in this ointment is that there’s no way Oli’s bike, Amelia’s bike and my bike will fit in my car. So we bought a roof rack thing and three cycle carriers from roofbox.co.uk
On my drive back from London my car started losing power. I just about managed to limp home, got up before dawn the next day to start assembling my roof rack and cycle carrier, mounted my bike on the roof, took the kids to breakfast club and then dropped my car at the garage and cycled home again. The garage couldn’t find anything wrong. They cleared the engine warning light, took it for a test drive, seemed fine to them, suggested it may have been dirty fuel causing a blockage and that maybe it had worked it’s way through the system. Horseshit. Their suggestion was to drive it for the weekend and see if any warning lights come on or anything.
Against my better judgement I did what they asked. Up early on Saturday morning and got all the bikes on the roof whilst Emma packed their suitcase.
Emma set off to London for Catherine’s 40th. The kids and I set off to Wales. We got to the end of the lane and the car completely died. Dirty fuel my arse.
Wales trip cancelled. Local garage received a bit of a telling off. Roofrack and cycle carrier yet to be used in anger.