Ston is a beautiful town that is famous for having the longest maintained wall in Europe or something. Turns out the wall is also a pretty excellent hike with views from the top. Due to me being a bit of an early bird I left the rest of the crew on the boat and went for a walk into town before it got too hot.

I decided to wait for the rest of the boat at the top of the walls and so bought a ticket to visit the fort and walk the walls. I had a leisurely stroll up the walls taking it pretty easy. It was a hard climb but the views were fantastic.

Turns out that Ston built the fort and the walls to protect the salt making pools in the picture above on the right. I also learned that the word salary comes from the word salt and that roman soldiers used to be paid in salt.
Anyway, the rest of the crew of my boat decided it was a bit hot by the time they got into town and went for beer instead. I joined them!