Moley moley

We’ve always been somewhat plagued with moles. They overran the front garden for quite a long time but I think I got them all. Quite recently the back garden has been absolutely wrecked by them. I think it’s because houses are being built all around us and they’re all being disturbed and driven to my garden. I was getting quite depressed about – they really were popping up everywhere and I was having no luck catching them.

I bought some new mole traps and watched a couple of YouTube videos and one was quite a different approach from what I’d previously tried. So I thought I’d give it a go

On my very first try of the new technique I bagged one.

I then cleared all the molehills aand waited with baited breath to see if anymore appeared. They did. Traps went down again and I bagged two more. No more mole hills have appeared since so I think I’m mole free – for now.

In case you’re wondering about the new technique…simply clear the mole hill, find out where the hole comes to the surface and determine the direction of the run, peel the turf back and get your duffus trap in there. Check back 12 hrs later.