The desk saga is complete

We finally got around to sanding and varnishing the ex worksurface that is now Oli’s desk. Oli did most of the work with me supervising.

Every time you point a camera at the boy he breaks out a fantastic smile. So photogenic! Anyway, this is Oli sanding some of the batons we will be using to attach the desk to the wall
The desk in place with bare ethernet cable hanging out of the wall beneath it.
Oli’s moved his stuff in, I have my office back and the bare ethernet cable is now a lovely Cat6 socket. Happy days

Unusually for any Darren/Oli DIY projects nothing really went wrong. We hade some minor issues with rawl plugs but I think this is because I was using 50yr old rawl plugs from my Grandad which were none standard size. I’ve now ( sadly ) had to throw them away and buy some more modern ones.