Why is stuff constantly breaking?

I spend my entire life fixing stuff. I’m absolutely convinced that when I leave the house my family just wander around with a hammer smashing stuff. This time they didn’t even wait for me to leave the house. I was in bed when I heard a huge crash. Sounded like a light aircraft had crashed into the side of the house. Turns out it was just the shower screen and “nobody” was in the bathroom. It was either Emma crashing the door into the screen or the resident ghost Maude

Anyway, this was the result:

After really rather a lot of tidying up we ended up with a shower that was vaguely usable but fortunately we also had a proper backup electric shower downstairs. Anyway – the upstairs clean up looked like this:

After far too long waiting for a delivery of a new piece of glass and a rather talented plumber/bathroom fitter coming to sort it out we are now able to wash our stinky Steele bodies upstairs again.